This is the webpage of my family—in at least two senses of the word. First some general information about the Kieseritzky family, then a private page for me, my wife and my children: Fredrik, Johanna, Leo and Elle von Kieseritzky. You can share this page with friends using the icons directly above, or why not drop a comment at the bottom of the page? Also, family members who would like a private kieseritzky.com email address should contact me.
kieseritzky.com was last updated on JANUARY 1, 2011
Fredrik von Kieseritzky
Stockholm, Sweden
the kieseritzky family

The Kieseritzky family is despite it Polish sounding name and as far back as documented sources go entirely of German, and more specifically of Baltic German, origin.
From the 12th Century and until the early 20th Century the Baltic Germans inhabited the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea (today's Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). Even though the Baltic Germans were an ethnic minority and the population never made up more than 10% of the total, they came to form the social, commercial, political, military, civilian and cultural elite of the region. Despite being politically subordinate to the rule of the monarchs of Swedish empire until 1710, and the tsars of the Russian Empire until 1917, both successive ruling kingdoms guaranteed the continuation of Baltic Germans' special class privileges and administration rights when they incorporated the provinces into their respective empires. The Baltic Germans' effective rule and class privileges came to the end with the demise of the Russian Empire (due to the Bolshevik revolution of October 1917) and the independence of Estonia and Latvia in 1918-1919. After 1919, many Baltic Germans felt obliged to depart for Germany. A minor fraction (my great grand-parents for instance) opted for Sweden instead.
The earliest known family member, according to preserved sources, is Jürgen Kieseritzky (dead after 1690), who resided in Wolmar, Livland (presently Valmiera, Latvia), where he married the daughter of the mayor. The genealogy of the Kieseritzky family is from this point on extensively covered by various books.
It should be noted that the 'true' origin of the Kieseritzky family (prior to Jürgen) is uncertain and several conflicting family traditions exist. According to one theory, the Kieseritzky family is identical to the von Koseritz family, an ancient and well-known family from Saxony (Sachsen), Germany. The names are strikingly similar and, moreover, both families use identical coats of arms (in a blue field a silver bull's head). There exists however no documented support for this theory. According to another theory, the family is of ancient Polish origin, but neither this can be verified. The closest match I have found so far is a Polish nobleman named Kozarycki, who around 1600 held the honorary title 'Land-judge of Wenden', a city coincidently located only a few kilometers away from Wolmar, Jürgen Kieseritzky's hometown.
Georg von Kieseritzky (1821-1891) (my great great grand-father), a sixth generation descendant of Jürgen, was in S:t Petersburg 1864 introduced into the hereditary Russian nobility, with privileges granted for himself, his wives and children and their descendants. Most, but not all, of Georg's male-line descendants use the name von Kieseritzky.
Notable family members include:
» Lionel Kieseritzky (1806-1853)—international chessmaster (external link)
» Gustav Kieseritzky (1830-1896)—professor of mathematics and Director of Polytechnikum (presently Riga Technical University) (external link)
» Gangolf von Kieseritzky (1847-1904)—archeologist and chief-conservator at the Imperial Hermitage in St Petersburg (external link)
» Gustav Kieseritzky (1893-1943)—German vice-admiral during World War II (external link)
» Ingomar von Kieseritzky (1944-)—German novelist and scriptwriter (external link)
To the best of my knowledge, the family is today represented in Germany, Sweden, Greece and Russia. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, family members have also lived in Canada, France, The United Kingdom and The United States.
source material
Below is a list of source material, mostly in the form of old books, regarding the history and genealogy Kieseritzky family that I have collected over the years. Each item is clickable and will open up in a new window. In most cases I have scanned only the relevant pages and not the complete books. The material is presented in order of appearance—not importance!
Original title: Stammtafeln Deutsch-baltischer Geschlechter
English title: Genealogical tables of German-Baltic families
Author: Erich Seuberlich
Details: Riga 1927. Volume 1, Reihe II. in German
Original title: Deutschbaltisches biograpisches Lexikon 1710-1960
English title: Baltic-German biographical dictionary 1710-1960
Author: Willhelm Lenz
Details: Cologne 1970. ISBN 978-3412426705 in German
Original title: Zagadka Kieseritzky'ego
English title: The Kieseritzky enigma
Author: Tomasz Lissowski and Bartlomiej Macieja
Details: Warsaw 1996. ISBN 83-85490-55-8 in Polish
Original title: Dvorjanskie rody vnesennye v obscij gerbovnik...
English title: Registered noble families in the general heraldry of the Russian...
Author: Alexandr Bobrinskoj
Details: St Petersburg 1890. Volume 2 in Russian
Original title: Ointroducerad Adel 2010 - Kalender över OAF
English title: Non-immatriculated nobility in Sweden 2010
Author: Niclas von Rothstein
Details: Stockholm 2009. ISBN 978-91-633-5038-2 in Swedish
Original title: "Utländska släkter med stamtavla", SvD 26 april 2006
English title: "Foreign families with pedigrees" (from Swedish newspaper)
Author: Carl Otto Werkelid
Details: Stockholm 2006 in Swedish
Original title: Johann Siebmacher's grosses Wappenbuch: Band 25
English title: Johann Siebmacher's great armory: Volume 25
Author: Johann Siebmacher
Details: Neustadt-an-der-Aisch 1980. ISBN 3-87947-025-1 in German
Original title: Die Familie Kieseritzky - Zweig Riga
English title: The Riga branch of the Kieseritzky family
Author: Harald Kieseritzky
Details: Private manuscript 1971 in German
Original title: Die Familie Kieseritzky - Zweig Riga - Additions
English title: The Riga branch of the Kieseritzky family - Additions
Author: Harald Kieseritzky
Details: Private manuscript 1973 in German
Original title: Zur Trauung des herrn Hellmuth von Kieseritzky mit...
English title: The Swedish Register of Teachers 1946
Author: Hellmuth von Kieseritzky
Details: Private wedding invitation Riga 1898 in German
Original title: Lärarmatrikeln 1946
English title: The Riga branch of the Kieseritzky family - Additions
Author: Herbert Gejrot, Pontus H. Räf, Einar Sandén
Details: Trollhättan 1946 in Swedish
Original title: Uppsala: Stockholms nation h.t. 1920 - h.t. 1930
English title: Stockholm's student club at Uppsala Univeristy 1920 - 1930
Author: No author available
Details: Uppsala 1931 in Swedish
Original title: Neues allgemeines deutsches Adels-Lexicon
English title: New general encyclopedia of German nobility
Author: Ernst Heinrich Kneschke
Details: Leipzig 1929-1930 in German
Original title: Rodovye Gerby Rossii
English title: Ancestral coats of arms of Russia
Author: Igor Vladimirovic Borisov
Details: Moscow 1997. ISBN 5-89327-008-8 in Russian
Original title: Unser Leben
English title: Our life
Author: Irene Kieseritzky
Details: Private letter, ca 1980 in German
Original title: Wohnorte und Wohnungen
English title: Residences and dwellings
Author: Irene Kieseritzky
Details: Private letter, ca 1980 in German
Original title: Da kann man nichts machen
English title: Nothing left to do
Author: Ingomar von Kieseritzky
Details: Munich 2001. ISBN 340648056X in German
kieseritzky related links—additional material
» "Wer war Lionel Kieseritzky?" | Gerald Schendel
» "Lionel Kieseritzky" | Batgirl (chess-blog)
» Ingomar von Kieseritzky | www.caricatura.de
» "The Immortal Game" | nationmaster.com
» "von Kieseritzky" | www.svenskadel.nu
» "New Oligothiophenes" | Doctoral Thesis | Fredrik von Kieseritzky
» "Nike in der Vasenmaleri" | Master Thesis | Gangolf Kieseritzky
» "Biostatik [...]" | Doctoral Thesis | Walter von Kieseritzky
» "Die väterliche Gewalt" | Master Thesis | Wilhelm Kieseritzky
» Family Search
» BLITZ Information Center

Fredrik has a Ph.D. in organic chemistry and can be reached on fvkccitt5.net or LinkedIn. His thesis is found here.
Johanna is a medical doctor and can be reached on johannakieseritzky.com or Facebook.
Leo, 4 and Elle, 1 are not yet online.
Below are a couple of pictures and video clips. These are presented in reverse chronology, i.e. latest things first.
OCTOBER 18, 2008
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